TY - JOUR KW - Literature KW - Cultural Identity KW - Book Review KW - Caribbean Studies KW - French Caribbean KW - Germany AU - Ineke Phaf AB - First paragraph] Kolonisierung und Krankheit: Der Begriff "alienation" in Texten aus den franzosischen Kleinen Antillen. HELMTRUD RUMPF. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1993. 263 pp. (Paper US$ 46.95) Interkulturalitdt in der frankophonen Literatur der Karibik: Der europdisch-afrikanisch-amerikanische Intertext im Romanwerk von Maryse Conde. UTE FENDLER. Frankfurt am Main: IKO, Verlag flir Interkulturelle Kommunikation, 1994. vi+ 444 pp. (Paper DM 54.00) Der Roman der franzosischen Antillen zwischen 1932 und heute: Eine Literatur aufdem Weg zur Autonomie. DANIELLE DUMONTET. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1995. 336 pp. (Paper US$ 52.95) Riickbesinnung-Selbsterfahrung-Inbesitznahme: Antillanische Identitat im Spannungsfeld von Nigritude, Antillanite und Creolite. MARION PAUSCH. Frankfurt am Main: IKO, Verlag fur Interkulturelle Kommunikation, 1996. 297 pp. (Paper DM 39.80) Research on Caribbean literatures in Europe is by no means limited to former mother countries such as France, England, the Netherlands, and Spain. There is quite a lot of interest at the academic level in Germanspeaking universities in Austria, Switzerland and, especially, Germany. The four studies under review here, published over the last five years, testify to the rapidly increasing interest in novels of the French Antilles. All were formerly presented as Ph.D. dissertations - completed at universities in Berlin, Bayreuth, Mainz, and Frankfurt/M respectively. IS - 1 N2 - First paragraph] Kolonisierung und Krankheit: Der Begriff "alienation" in Texten aus den franzosischen Kleinen Antillen. HELMTRUD RUMPF. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1993. 263 pp. (Paper US$ 46.95) Interkulturalitdt in der frankophonen Literatur der Karibik: Der europdisch-afrikanisch-amerikanische Intertext im Romanwerk von Maryse Conde. UTE FENDLER. Frankfurt am Main: IKO, Verlag flir Interkulturelle Kommunikation, 1994. vi+ 444 pp. (Paper DM 54.00) Der Roman der franzosischen Antillen zwischen 1932 und heute: Eine Literatur aufdem Weg zur Autonomie. DANIELLE DUMONTET. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1995. 336 pp. (Paper US$ 52.95) Riickbesinnung-Selbsterfahrung-Inbesitznahme: Antillanische Identitat im Spannungsfeld von Nigritude, Antillanite und Creolite. MARION PAUSCH. Frankfurt am Main: IKO, Verlag fur Interkulturelle Kommunikation, 1996. 297 pp. (Paper DM 39.80) Research on Caribbean literatures in Europe is by no means limited to former mother countries such as France, England, the Netherlands, and Spain. There is quite a lot of interest at the academic level in Germanspeaking universities in Austria, Switzerland and, especially, Germany. The four studies under review here, published over the last five years, testify to the rapidly increasing interest in novels of the French Antilles. All were formerly presented as Ph.D. dissertations - completed at universities in Berlin, Bayreuth, Mainz, and Frankfurt/M respectively. PY - 1998 SN - 1382-2373 SP - 97 EP - 100 EP - T2 - NWIG TI - Studies on French Antillean literature in Germany VL - 72 ER -